2824 E. 18th Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99508
Tel: 907-248-3737
Lifespan Learning & Exploration
In line with Unitarian Universalist values, the Anchorage UU Fellowship promotes knowledge as a catalyst for understanding and tolerance. Accepting and respecting diverse beliefs and cultures begins early and is founded in our robust Learning & Exploration (LE) programs for children, youth and adults.
Learning & Exploration programs are aimed at every stage of our lifespan.
Children & Youth programs — age-appropriate curricula for toddlers to teens
Multi-generation and Extra Curricular LE Programs — encouraging connection between all ages within and beyond AUUF walls
Our Whole Lives (OWL) — sexuality education from kindergarten to adult
Learning & Exploration for Adults are also listed as components of the Adult Programs Ministry.
Learning & Exploration for Children and Youth
Who, What When and Where
Who: 100+ young people (age 1 year through high school) annually enroll in classes and programs led by volunteer teaching teams with support from a Director of Lifespan Learning & Exploration (DLLE).
What: They explore values, ideas and ritual through exciting themed activities, seasonal festivities, social service projects and classroom curricula emphasizing our UU principles and heritage ― world religions, peace and social justice.
When: During the regular school year (mid-September to early May), a full LE program with age-grouped classes is offered during the 11 a.m. service. During the summer months, children engage in cross-age programs.
Where: Most weeks kids will begin upstairs with the congregation for the Time for All Ages story or activity before going downstairs with their class. On weeks that we have a multigenerational service, kids will stay upstairs for the entire service. Updated signs in stairwells indicate where children begin.
What you need to know about our LE programs

Sunday Classes
Classroom Curricula
What will we explore?
Who leads and supports us?
LE Registration
How do we participate?
Where do we go?

Beyond Classrooms
(Fall Folic, Holiday Programs + more)
(Spring Fling, Soup Sunday + more)
(Peace Camp, Service Projects + more)
Our Whole Lives (OWL)
(Sexuality Education for all ages)

RE Resources
Books for Parents and Teachers
Stories, videos, activities for parents
Dates, times and themes
LE program paperwork
Child Care
During Services
AUUF offers childcare for children ages 1-12 to enable parents to attend the Sunday 11 a.m. service.
Supporting AUUF Events
Childcare is also frequently available during annual fellowship events and other AUUF-sponsored activities to allow adults to take part in these programs.
Childcare Provider Opportunities
We welcome youth over age 14 and adults to apply to be a paid childcare provider. Contact the Director of Lifespan Learning & Exploration to apply, DrRay@AnchorageUUF.org.