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Supporting Our Fellowship 


We are grateful to all who give of their time, talents and treasures to support AUUF's mission.  As a fellowship, we rely entirely on the generosity of members and friends to  keep our programs going strong, and to reach out and make a difference in the surrounding community. 


The cost of operating AUUF programs and services is wholly supported by fellowship contributions, primarily in the form of annual pledges.   Each year, in February-March, we conduct a pledge drive, so the AUUF Board can develop a responsible budget.  


Beyond annual budgeting, AUUF plans responsibly for the fellowship's future. An Endowment Fund was established to enhance the AUUF mission beyond general daily operations. When this fund reaches a designated balance, interest income can augment AUUF programs. The Endowment Fund is an excellent vehicle for Planned / Legacy Gift donations.

Another opportunity to contribute to the long-term welfare and effectiveness of our fellowship is through support for the Capital Campaign to invest in important improvements to our building and surrounding land and parking.  While much of the renovation is complete, we're looking to repay loans sooner than later. 


Other ways to financially support AUUF include donating and participating in annual Fund-raisers, such as the Annual Dinner / Auction. Through the Social Justice Half-Portion program, donations to the collection plate during Worship and Forum services benefit AUUF and many worthwhile charitable non-profits.  The UU Chalice Lighter program helps congregations with capital improvements and growth initiatives.

Monetary donations and payments may be made online using our secure electronic payment page (Vanco), where you can pay by credit or debit card, or transfer from a checking or savings account. You may also pay by check, money order, or cash placed in our collection baskets during services, or in the locked box in the AUUF office.  


In addition to funding, the fellowship has many opportunities to give of time and talent through volunteering in our programs and ministries. However you choose to give, we thank you for supporting AUUF!


Whatever I feel passionate about and deeply value, I have a deep need to support in any way I can.  To be around like-minded people, to hear words of wisdom and messages of hope, to watch our children grow and mature... it is worth every bit of effort, money and time that I spend gladly to keep this [AUUF] in my life.

Shirley Dickens, a beloved AUUF member from 1977, until her passing in 2020

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