2824 E. 18th Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99508
Tel: 907-248-3737
Social Justice Ministry
AUUF is a caring and compassionate community. We believe in the inherent worth and dignity of every person. We advocate for peace, liberty, justice and equity in all levels of society, here at home and around the globe. We attract people looking for a place that is actively engaged in social justice.
Social Action Council
The AUUF Social Justice Committee has evolved into a Social Action Council that helps to form and support social action teams. The entire fellowship is encouraged to get involved in social action as a key tenant of our UU values and principles. Teams may work on annual events, such as Pride Fest, and Project Homeless Connect, or ongoing concerns, such as racism, gender inequality, food insecurity, refugee assistance and homelessness.
The council supports the fellowship's democratic selection of up to a dozen non-profit charitable social action organizations to receive half of the Sunday offering. This is known as the Half-Portion for Social Action program. AUUF members and friends can nominate Half-Portion recipients using the form linked below.
UU Service Committee
AUUF's social justice efforts are aligned with the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, an arm of the national Unitarian Universalist Association that is focused on human rights. UUSC engages tens of thousands of members and supporters through education about issues and actions, and by facilitating communication with elected leaders.
More Information
For more information about AUUF's social justice and social action efforts, contact the Social Action Council co-chairs. For more information about AUUF's involvement, contact our UUSC representative. These leaders are listed on the AUUF Contact list found on the Contact Us page.