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Stewardship Update

by Peggy Robinson, Stewardship Chair

Thank you to all of you who responded to our request for pledges to fund AUUF’s programs and services for the coming fiscal year! Added to those are the ones who rolled over their pledges from this current year, we have slightly over $310,500 in pledges. That amount is from 129 donors/donor families. That is an average of $2407, with pledges ranging from $120 to $18,000 for the year. Regardless of the size of your

pledge, we all are … STRONGER TOGETHER.

Although the pledge drive is finished, you are welcome to communicate any changes to your pledge or begin one by contacting the office, either by email or phone. If you have comments about the pledge drive itself, please send them to If you have personal concerns, please contact Rev. Lise.


The Finance Committee is meeting next Tuesday to make recommendations to the Board for the FY25 budget. It will be partially based on this amount and what additional pledges we think will be made into the coming year. The board-approved budget, along with other Annual Meeting materials, will be sent to all members by April 5. There will be some budget discussion gatherings scheduled later in April to answer your questions and receive comment before the Annual Meeting on May 5th.

Pledge Form

Suggested Giving Guide

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