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Endowment Fund 

The Endowment Fund is completely separate from the annual budget.  Its purpose is to augment, develop and improve AUUF programs, as well as to reach further into the community.  Established in 2008, the fund is currently in the building stage. Once the growth threshold is achieved, funds will be distributed from interest income, leaving the principal intact.  


Endowment funds are held by the Unitarian Universalist Common Endowment Fund (UUCEF) overseen by the national Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). UUCEF is a diversified investment fund featuring professional asset management, audit services and UU socially responsible investing goals. (See for more information).


A gift to the Endowment Fund is an excellent option for people wanting to leave a lasting legacy to AUUF. See the Planned / Legacy Giving section or visit the UUA website's Planned Giving page for more information about planned giving options. 


Endowment Committee

AUUF elects members to serve three-year terms on the Endowment Committee, which acts as the Endowment Fund custodian. Current members are

  •        Carol Harris (Co-chair, term expires 2026)

  •        Kate Lehn (Co-chair, term expires 2027)

  •        David O’Brien (Treasurer, term expires 2025)

  •        Irene O’Brien (term expires 2027)

  •       James Denney (term expires 2025)


A gift to the Endowment Fund is an excellent option for people wanting to leave a lasting legacy to AUUF. See the Planned / Legacy Giving page or visit the UUA website's Planned Giving page for more information about planned giving options.  An additional gifting option to the Endowment Fund is "Living Giving", where donations can be made in the here and now.  See the Donate / Pay Now page and enter an amount on the Endowment Fund line at the bottom of the "Members, Friends, and Supporters" section. For details about the fund balance, future fund-raising goals and activities, contact the Endowment Committee Co-Chair Carol Harris at

Louise Gallop Gold Nugget Seeds Endowment

In her will, beloved elder Louise Gallop bequeathed a collection of gold nuggets that she mined herself. Nuggets were sold at fellowship functions throughout 2016 and 2017, until August 2017, when the remaining nuggets and gold dust were sold. All proceeds went directly into the Endowment Fund. More information about Louise Gallop and her extraordinary gold mining story are available at the Gallop Gold web site.


Half Portion Recipient for February is

Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT)

© 2024 by Anchorage Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (AUUF)

Anchorage Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

(907) 248-3737


Rev. Lise Adams Sherry, (she/her), Minister,, 907-248-3737 x2,

Office hours are usually Tu 11-3; Th and F 11-3, and by appointment


Rebecca Bernard, (she/her), Affiliated Community Minister


Richard Stoneking, (he/him), Congregational Administrator, 907.248.3737 x.1

Office Hours Usually Mon-Thu 11am - 3 pm, Please call first.


Jennifer Bluntach (she/her), Director of Religious Exploration

Office hours usually are:

Sunday 9am-11am, Tuesday 11am-3pm, Thursday, 11am-3pm, and by appointment

Kelly Spring, (she/her), Communications Specialist,

Kelly's remote office hours Mon-Fri 9 am -1 pm


Esme Danner (she/her) Music Director

907-248-3737 x4,


Dan Norton: AV Coordinator

907-248-3737 x5,

Contact the Connections Team for more information on how to get involved. 

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