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Religious Exploration Resources

AUUF RE Library

The AUUF RE Library is currently operating a “Bags of Books”Program through the pandemic. The library is open on Monday and Tuesday afternoons for registers RE families to exchange their bags of books for a new bag.

Program Materials

As this year begins, the RE program consists of virtual ZOOM Chalice Circles and at-home activities and projects for each week. The stories and activities will come from “Soul Matters” themes. Supplies will be gathered and provided to families each month 

to facilitate the at home projects. Registered families will be able to pick up their activity bag each month. Please register to 

participate in these RE outreach programs.

Our RE spaces include a lending library with books chosen to illustrate and support our UU principles and their application.


The AUUF RE Library is located on the lower level of the fellowship in the central gathering area. RE teachers, parents and children are welcome to browse and borrow these books. Check out procedures are based on an honor system and posted on the bookshelves. Please note titles of any books that you take home and the date they are borrowed.

Teaching Resources


Teacher Orientation

New and returning teachers attend a teacher orientation just prior to the new school year (August) to learn about the year's themes and curricula, to get teaching tips and to meet teaching team, and to become acquainted with where materials and supplies are located,


RE Program Materials and Supplies


Teacher classroom instruction is based on pre-established curricula and lesson plans to help teachers offer a fun and educational class. Includes ideas for enhancing classroom activity and learning. Curricular materials are often developed at the national UU level with the help of experienced educational professionals.


Closets full of art-and-craft supplies, and a library of age-appropriate and inspiring books are housed on the lower level of the fellowship, providing maximum creative expression. 

Parent Involvement Resources


Ideas to Engage at AUUF and at Home Year-round


Parents Tips to Engage Your UU Family  This PDF offers straight-forward ideas for gaining the most from AUUF religious exploration programs, at the fellowship and at home. Discover: 

  • Six actions to help build a caring community at AUUF

  • 13 ways to a s to enhance religious exploration at home.  

Soul Matters Resource Guides for Families


Check out the RE Curricula page to access links to Soul Matters Family Resource guides. These 1-2 page documents help families further explore the month's Soul Matters topics through links to books, videos, television programs, movies, and essays that underscore the theme’s importance in our everyday lives.

Online Resources and Web Sites
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