2824 E. 18th Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99508
Tel: 907-248-3737
Key RE People: Staff, teachers, teams and helpers
AUUF's highly regarded and popular Religious Exploration program for Children and Youth requires the time and commitment from staff and a cadre of dedicated volunteers drawn from the fellowship and parents.
Director of Lifespan Religious Exploration (DLRE)
Dr. Ray Macfarlane
The DLRE oversees and organizes the fellowship's numerous RE programs for children, youth and adults. They provide leadership for the Children and Youth Committee as it carries out RE program activities, trains and supports RE teachers, and advocates for children throughout AUUF programming. They assist and collaborate with various ministry teams and committees as they carry out fellowship functions and activities.
The DLRE's office is located downstairs at the AUUF facility. Typical work hours during the school year (late August through June): Sundays 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.; Tuesday through Fridays 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The RE office is generally closed on Mondays and Saturdays. They can be reached at the Fellowship ― (907) 248- 3737 x 3 ― during these hours. Please feel free to call with any questions, concerns or suggestions.

RE Support Teams
Children & Youth Religious Exploration Committee
The Children & Youth Religious Exploration (CYRE) Committee works closely with the Director of Lifespan Religious Exploration to plan, implement and oversee the Religious Exploration program for our children. These volunteers have often been previously involved as teachers and classroom helpers, and they use this experience to develop and coordinate programs, activities and enhancements.
Child Care Coordinator
During Sunday service program and during many family-oriented AUUF events, child care is provided for children. The Child Care Coordinator is a volunteer who arranges for qualified and vetted AUUF members and friends to be available to watch over children while parents / guardians are engaged in fellowship Sunday services and other fellowship activities.
Youth Advisors and Sponsors
Youth Advisors and Sponsors are dedicated and enthusiastic adults who work closely with the Youth Coordinator to develop and execute an engaging youth program. Youth Advisors serve as resources and assist with the youth-led program that takes place Sunday mornings. Several youth program sponsors serve as sources of information, coordination and discussion.
RE Teachers and Classroom Helpers
Teaching and mentoring is at the heart of RE. AUUF people from all walks and phases of life contribute their time and talents to teach UU values and principles. Class ages include:
Water Skippers (ages 1-2)
Wind Walkers (ages 3-4)
Fire Keepers (K-2nd grade)
Planet Keepers (3rd-4th grade)
Star Gazers (5th grade)
Moon Spinners (6th-8th grade)
World Makers (9th-12th grade)
Parent involvement is important. We believe parents are the child’s primary religious educator and as such, parents are expected to play an active role in supporting their child's involvement with our Religious Exploration program by volunteering in some way. The program cannot run without committed volunteers, and many hands taking turns in RE make it possible for everyone to also enjoy the benefits of adult services.
We ask parents to share their special areas of expertise and wisdom by either committing to be part of a teaching team or by regularly assisting once or twice a month in classes. There are many other ways to volunteer ― participating in our cross-age special Sunday activities; helping with special projects, seasonal celebrations and festivities; or supporting one-time program events.
A guideline for assessing your personal commitment would be 10 hours volunteering in some capacity in the RE program each year. Teaching Resources are distributed by the DLRE during Teacher Orientation. Materials are also available online on the AUUF RE Teaching Resources page.
Sign up to Teach / Help in Children / Youth RE
Signing up to be a teacher or helper requires completion of TWO forms:
CYRE Volunteer Options & Commitment Form download this PDF, print, complete and turn it into the DLRE office.
CYRE Volunteer Screening Application Form download this PDF form or pick up a copy from the DLRE office. Complete and sign the form and submit it with the Volunteer Options / Commitment form.