2824 E. 18th Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99508
Tel: 907-248-3737
OWL: Our Whole Lives Sexuality Education
Updated Information for Fall 2024 coming soon.
Our Whole Lives (OWL) is a secular Sexuality Education curriculum created by the national Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) to model and teach the values of self worth, sexual health, responsibility, justice and inclusivity. Trained facilitators guide participants through engaging workshops that address topics typically excluded from school sexuality education and health classes.
OWL is an antidote to sexualized media messages, peer pressure, misinformation and prejudice. It equips participants with accurate, age-appropriate information in six subject areas: human development, relationships, personal skills, sexual behavior, sexual health, and society and culture. Grounded in a holistic view of sexuality, Our Whole Lives not only provides facts about anatomy and human development, but also helps participants clarify their values, build interpersonal skills, and understand the spiritual, emotional, and social aspects of sexuality.
Upcoming classes for 2023:
Junior High OWL for 7-9th grade classes are planned to start in January, 2023.
Elementary OWL for K-2nd grade classes will start in March, 2023.
Please register as soon as possible using the links below! Check the Class Schedules to plan to attend the required Parent/Guardian Orientation and Kick-Off before classes begin.
Late registrations will be contacted for the next starting classes planned for 2024-2025.
Please contact DrRay@AnchorageUUF.org to register for upcoming classes.
Child / Youth OWL
Age-appropriate Curricula
The Younger Elementary Curriculum for grades K-2 helps young children identify their attitudes, values and feelings about themselves, their sexuality and others' sexuality. Along with a parent meeting and parent-child orientation, workshops help participants learn about birth, babies, bodies and families. Songs, stories, activities and at-home projects promote family dialogue.
The Older Elementary Curriculum for grades 4-6 helps children understand the physical and emotional changes of puberty. Participants explore values, communication and decision-making, as well as physical health and development. The HomeLinks feature opens lines of communication between parents and children.
The Junior High Curriculum for grades 7-9 helps adolescents address their attitudes and values, their feelings about themselves and their sexuality, and their attitudes toward others' sexuality. Participants learn to put sexuality in the context of values and personal responsibility, preparing them to make healthy choices.
The High School Curriculum for grades 10-12 helps older youth gain knowledge, life principles and skills needed to express their sexuality in life-enhancing ways. High school aged youth learn to manage social pressure and advocate for equality.
More information on
OWL programs and values
can be found at UUA.org/RE/OWL.
Registration is Now Open!!
Class Schedules can be found here:
Register now at TinyUrl.com/AUUFOWL.
Adult OWL Courses
Young Adult OWL Curricula (ages 18-35) models and teaches caring, compassion, respect and justice, helping young adults address attitudes, values and feelings about themselves, their sexuality and others' sexuality. Through fourteen (14) 2-hour workshops, the modular and flexible program includes topics about sexual expression, identity, orientation, and life issues for young adults.
Adult OWL Curricula helps older adults explore sexuality through their values and experiences. Through fourteen (14) 2-hour workshops help enhance communication skills, improve understanding of healthy relationships, sexual diversity and sexuality throughout the life cycle.
At AUUF, the Adult OWL workshops may combine focus to include adults of all ages.
Facilitators and More Information
AUUF is fortunate to have a fun and lively group of OWL workshop instructors. They have all attended special training to learn how to lead UUA’s OWL Sexuality Curriculum for the five age groups: Grades K-1, Grades 4-6, Grades 7-9, Grades 10-12 and Adult (18+). Some facilitators have been leading groups for many years. New leaders are added to this group as they are trained.
OWL facilitators undergo comprehensive training to gain the skills necessary to teach OWL curricula and lead OWL workshops. While weekend-long Facilitator Training is offered out of state, occasionally online, and AUUF has a train-the-trainer program, allowing interested UUs around the state to be officially trained in Anchorage.
For more information on participating or facilitator training, contact Dr Ray Macfarlane, Director of Learning & Exploration.
For more information about the OWL curricula:
Contact AUUF DLRE at DrRay@AnchorageUUF.org.
National UUA contact OWL@UUA.org
Visit the UUA website OWL section