2824 E. 18th Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99508
Tel: 907-248-3737
Children & Youth, Learning & Exploration

Updated Information for Fall 2024 coming soon.
AUUF RE Program Schedule for September 3rd – October 1st
September 3rd – Labor Day weekend, childcare only.
September 10th – Multi-Generational Service – Gathering the Waters
September 16th – Teacher Orientation 9 am – 1 pm
September 17th – Cross Age “Welcome Back to RE” – Let’s get ready for the Program Year! Meet classroom leaders and volunteers! See friends! Decorate our space!
September 24th – Fall Frolic Weekend, childcare only.
October 1st – First day of RE classes.
Please sign up for Fall 2023 Classes!
Our people are the richness of our congregation, and we need you to share in the exploration of our world, beliefs, ethics, and traditions, and to create meaning and connection together.
Sign up using this Registration Link or paper forms available at AUUF.
We do need your help! We need several more teachers to volunteer about twice a month on Sunday mornings. We also need assistants, who don’t plan lessons, but help out once or twice a month to help cover when teachers are gone or to help with group activities on Sunday mornings. This is a good way to check it out once to see how you like it! The youth have some exciting plans this year, and we are especially in need of youth advisors who can be there for youth-led and organized evening, weekend and overnight events, about once a month or so. Lastly, if you don’t have much time, but want to support, volunteer to provide snacks for classes, one time or regularly! If you would like to help shape and grow Learning and Exploration programs, come help us and be part of the team! We have several team positions open and look forward to working together to build the program this year.
We appreciate all our volunteers who make it happen for the kids. If you can, give a little time for a lot of impact!
Volunteers Needed:
Children's Teachers - planning and teaching class twice a month, Sunday mornings
Assistants - once a month, Sunday Mornings
Youth Advisors - monthly/every other month, for evening/weekend activities
Snack Masters - drop of snacks for Sunday mornings
Team Members - Once a month meetings
Contact revlise@anchorageuuf.org to volunteer!
Children's Curriculum & Youth Programs
2023-2024 Curriculum to be announced...
During the 11 a.m. service, children and youth religious exploration occurs in age-grouped classes, from toddlers to high school. We focus on exploration, rather than an emphasis on indoctrination. Age-appropriate curriculum themes and topics vary each year, and often from season to season. Some of AUUF's curricula come from the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) national curricula, which include interactive, hands-on activities, stories and ideas from across the religious landscape. Several other stellar curricula are used during years when the exploration focus is on World Religions.
Previous year's curriculum
WATER SKIPPERS & WIND WALKERS - (0-5 year-old’s)
The aim of the program is to involve children in the excitement of the search for meaning in life at the concrete level of their understanding through games, songs, crafts and stories and the joy of discovering treasures, through exploring our seven UU Principles. Emphasis is placed on activities that promote an accepting class community while addressing the hopes, fears, dreams, confusions, and problems that children face daily.
And Friend Finders, a UU theme curriculum celebrating self, sharing, family, friends, feelings, nature and seasons. These lessons encourage creativity, and connection to community through rhymes, games, songs, stories, and activities.
SUN CATCHERS & FIRE KEEPERS – (6-9 year-old’s)
Love Connects Us celebrates important ways Unitarian Universalists live our faith in covenanted community. Moved by love and gathered in spirit, we embrace our responsibility toward one another and the world at large. We encourage one another's search for truth and meaning. We strive to be active in peace-making and other efforts to improve our world.
MOON SPINNERS - (Jr High Youth, 10-13 year-old’s)
Heeding the Call is a social justice curriculum that not only explores linked oppressions in our society, but also encourages participants towards personal growth in values that counteract the marginalization of others. Workshops on empathy, courage, abundance, joy, and other qualities ask participants to recognize how these standards can be tools for justice. Additionally, the program includes more concrete tools, such as suggestions on how to be a good ally and tips on the language of conflict resolution. True stories of courage, sacrifice and collaboration, role-plays, games, and a program-long justice project will feed youth’s rising realization that as people of faith we are all called to love justice—not just with our words, but also with our deeds.
WORLD MAKERS – (Sr High Youth, 14-17 year-old’s)
Current Events / Issues / Discussions /Service projects / Social Justice /Fun – Youth-Led
Sr High Youth programs and events are youth-led and planned, with support from advisors. This includes Sunday morning gatherings, as well as planned night and weekend events. Youth will explore topics and issues important to them, plan events and projects using their own and shared UU principles. Youth will take on a maker role, crafting their world together. They may focus on connection and community building, rituals and meaning-making, celebrating sources of joy and inspiration, or participating in social justice work they feel passionate about contributing to. We look forward to finding out!