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Three Options to Donate /Pay Online 

Appreciating Anchorage Unitarian Unitarian Fellowship these days?  Show your loving support by adding to our Virtual Collection Plate. Your donation supports AUUF and our monthly Half Portion for Social Action recipients.  Please give your donation to the Half Portion category.

Three ways to donate or adjust your monthly pledge. 


1. Make payments online with convenient, secure e-commerce through Vanco Services, LLC.

This site offers payment options for member / friend pledges and donations to separate Capital, Endowment and Minister's Care Fund. Or make payments for facility rentals, religious exploration classes, retreats, fall frolic and other programs and activities. 


2. Download the Give + (Give Plus) App to your device

This will help you later when you find yourself without cash or a check and want to give .


3. Call, or email AUUF Congregational Admin

 If you need to modify your automatic payments, please reach out!



Half Portion Recipient for February is

Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT)

© 2024 by Anchorage Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (AUUF)

Anchorage Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

(907) 248-3737


Rev. Lise Adams Sherry, (she/her), Minister,, 907-248-3737 x2,

Office hours are usually Tu 11-3; Th and F 11-3, and by appointment


Rebecca Bernard, (she/her), Affiliated Community Minister


Richard Stoneking, (he/him), Congregational Administrator, 907.248.3737 x.1

Office Hours Usually Mon-Thu 11am - 3 pm, Please call first.


Jennifer Bluntach (she/her), Director of Religious Exploration

Office hours usually are:

Sunday 9am-11am, Tuesday 11am-3pm, Thursday, 11am-3pm, and by appointment

Kelly Spring, (she/her), Communications Specialist,

Kelly's remote office hours Mon-Fri 9 am -1 pm


Esme Danner (she/her) Music Director

907-248-3737 x4,


Dan Norton: AV Coordinator

907-248-3737 x5,

Contact the Connections Team for more information on how to get involved. 

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