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Interested in meeting in AUUF?
Here is a Link to our Building Use Protocols. Contact staff if you wish to proceed.


We can consider the legs that hold up a table as each of the protective actions we can take to be safe while COVID is raging around us: being vaccinated, wearing well-fitted masks, maintaining 3-6 feet from others if they are unvaccinated or their status is unknown and washing your hands regularly. Good ventilation is the tablecloth.



At AUUF, we are striving for an environment of inclusion and consent as we follow the science of COVID. We are being flexible in our approaches to keep everyone safe, recognizing each person has different physical and emotional needs.


As we plan our programs and gatherings for this fall, we are using the above “table”. We have masks available if you forgot one, plenty of hand soap and sanitizer, and enough chairs and space for spreading out in rooms or meeting outside. We encourage smaller groups to use larger rooms to allow more spacing and air circulation. We have fans and open windows for the larger rooms and air purifiers for the two rooms downstairs. Of course, we hope you are all vaccinated if you can be. We are continuing to offer the Forum and the 11 am service on Zoom, with only the 11 am service also held in person at this time. The smaller groups can decide for themselves how they want to meet.

We are all frustrated and concerned with this recent surge of COVID and the Delta Variant. As a congregation, we can support each other as we cope with these increased cautions we need to take. Humans need social interactions, and we are trying to provide them in a safe manner, balancing the two. Hang in there!


In fellowship ~

Peggy Robinson, Board President

Lise Adams Sherry, Minister

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