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Ministerial Search -- Countdown to a New Minister


Here’s the timetable for the Anchorage Unitarian Universalist Fellowship to call a new settled minister:


• Phase 1: Building the Search Proposal (June-November, 2019)

• Phase 2: Launching the Search Publicly (December, 2019)

• Phase 3: Reviewing Applicants, Hosting Visits, Selecting a Candidate (January-March, 2020)

• Phase 4: Finalizing an Offer, Announcing the Candidate (April, 2020)

• Phase 5: Launching the New Ministry (April 26-Aug 1, 2020)


Ministerial Search Committee

The fellowship has selected a 7-member committee to carry out the logistics and process for recruiting, identifying and recommending candidates to become AUUF's next settled minister. 

Meet members of our committee - download PDF to view biographical information.

From one minister to another...

Alaska is extraordinary

Dear Colleague,

These photos represent just a mere glimpse of the wonderful possibilities to explore Alaska. From Kachemak Bay (south) to Denali National Park (north) ... these adventures are all within driving distance of Anchorage; and many can be enjoyed as a day trip!


So much to discover. So much to ponder. So much to refresh your spirit and inspire your muse.

Blessed to serve in Alaska,

Rev. Shelley Page

Interim Minister

Our Aspirations (What We Want)


Here's a fast summary of a whole lot of congregational brain-storming about who we are and what we want – all of which emerged in the spring of 2019 during a highly successful “Fellowship to the Future” workshop spear-headed by the AUUF Transition Team.


About 50 willing participants were asked to remember what initially attracted them to the Fellowship and consider what they particularly value about AUUF today. Then they were asked to imagine how we could be even better in the future.


After six hours of prodding by facilitator and former Pacific Northwest UU President Hayden Nevill, about a dozen dominant themes emerged — ideas ranging from the practical and concrete to the idealistic and spiritual.


Here’s some of those aspirations in no particular order of priority:


  • We value and wish to enhance all three major sectors of our Fellowship  -- the 11 o’clock Worship Service, the 9 o’clock Forum and the Religious Exploration (R.E.) Program.

  • We particularly treasure our friendships in the congregation and would like to see our membership grow.

  • We would love our annual budget to achieve the positive cash flow status of a self-sustaining and fiscal crisis-free congregation.

  • We aspire to finding (and hiring) a wise, ethical and highly skilled called-minister who can inspire not just our congregation but the community at large.

  • We want our Fellowship to truly live up to the Seven UU Principles.

  • We want all three spheres of our congregation — Forum, Religious Exploration (RE), 11 o’clock Worship Service — to merge closer together in a synergistic bond.

  • We want to bump up our social justice game with even greater civic engagement.

  • We would like our membership to grow more culturally and racially diverse.

  • We want to continue to “grow good people” through our youth-nourishing RE program.

  • We want to continue to prepare our older youths for the challenges of adulthood through Our Whole Lives (OWL) sexuality education.

Fellowship-wide Survey Held in Fall 2019
The 62-question survey about AUUF hopes, concerns and general demographical information was conducted by the AUUF Ministerial Search Team (MST) in September, 2019, as part of the search process for finding a new settled minister. It was designed to assist the MST in knowing more about the kind of minister we’re searching for and which questions to ask candidates  -- as well as to update general information for use within the Fellowship. About three-quarters of our congregation took the survey (148 people in all). The complete results were made available to the Fellowship in mid-October. To view an abbreviated summary of some of the results download this pdf.


Half Portion Recipient for February is

Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT)

© 2024 by Anchorage Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (AUUF)

Anchorage Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

(907) 248-3737


Rev. Lise Adams Sherry, (she/her), Minister,, 907-248-3737 x2,

Office hours are usually Tu 11-3; Th and F 11-3, and by appointment


Rebecca Bernard, (she/her), Affiliated Community Minister


Richard Stoneking, (he/him), Congregational Administrator, 907.248.3737 x.1

Office Hours Usually Mon-Thu 11am - 3 pm, Please call first.


Jennifer Bluntach (she/her), Director of Religious Exploration

Office hours usually are:

Sunday 9am-11am, Tuesday 11am-3pm, Thursday, 11am-3pm, and by appointment

Kelly Spring, (she/her), Communications Specialist,

Kelly's remote office hours Mon-Fri 9 am -1 pm


Esme Danner (she/her) Music Director

907-248-3737 x4,


Dan Norton: AV Coordinator

907-248-3737 x5,

Contact the Connections Team for more information on how to get involved. 

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